Minecraft is notoriously easy. A typical playthrough can be completed in a matter of hours, and the game's difficulty curve is relatively flat. To address this, Alinea has implemented a series of rebalances to make the game more challenging and engaging, especially in a multiplayer environment.
Overworld Changes
Crop Changes
Alinea has slightly rebalanced the way crops grow.
- Wheat, beetroot, carrots, potatoes, melons, pumpkins, sugarcane, and bamboo can only grow under direct sunlight.
- Wheat, beetroot, carrots, potatoes, melons, and pumpkins grow faster near water.
- Bonemeal only grows a crop by 1 stage.
- Logs only give 2 planks each.
- Logs only give you 2 wood blocks per 4 logs.
- 2 planks give you 2 sticks instead of 4.
On Alinea the way you obtain and craft certain armour pieces has changed heavily.
- Iron armour is significantly more iron-intensive to craft, taking several iron blocks to craft a single piece.
- To acquire diamond armour you must craft a diamond upgrade template and use it on iron armour in a smithing table similar to how you acquire netherite armour in vanilla Minecraft.
- The recipes for armour trims have been made more expensive.
Other than the many new enchantments added to the game, Alinea has also made changes to existing enchantments.
The speed curve of efficiency has been changed. Levels 1-3 are faster than vanilla, level 4 is the same as vanilla, and level 5 and above are slightly slower than vanilla. This change was made to accommodate the fact that efficiency now goes unstable.
Mending now has levels. The higher the level, the less experience is required to repair the item. What used to be "Mending" in Vanilla Minecraft is now "Mending VIII" on Alinea. Mending on Alinea also goes unstable.
Below is a table of how much durability is repaired per experience point for each level of Mending:
Level | Repair Amount |
I | 0.25 |
II | 0.5 |
III | 0.75 |
IV | 1 |
V | 1.25 |
VI | 1.5 |
VII | 1.75 |
VIII | 2 |
IX | 2.25 |
X | 2.5 |
XI | 2.75 |
XII | 3 |
XIII | 3.25 |
XIV | 3.5 |
XV | 3.75 |
XVI | 4 |
XVII | 4.25 |
XVIII | 4.5 |
XIX | 4.75 |
XX | 5 |
The End
Various changes have been made to the End dimension to make it more challenging and to prevent players from easily obtaining powerful items.
Ender Dragon
To make the Ender Dragon a proper end-game boss, she has been buffed enormously. The dragon is more powerful and more aggressive: she does a lot of explosive damage, her dragon fireballs destroy elytras when hit, and she respawns one of the end crystals from time to time.
Endermen do not drop any experience orbs when killed in the End. Traditionally endermen experience farms have been very popular, even on Alinea. They all but replaced any other type of experience farm. This change makes other experience farms viable again. Regular experience farms have been made more powerful thanks to Charged Silk Touch and Orb Booster.
Phantoms no longer spawn in the Overworld and have been moved to the End. This decision was made by the Alinea community, as phantoms are extremely annoying in the Overworld. Moving them to the End dimension also makes the End more challenging.
When hit by a shulker bullet players will always receive levitation and mining fatigue, sometimes the shulker bullets will give the player the blindness and nausea effects. Adding these effects to the shulker bullets effectively makes the end cities more dangerous and challenging to loot.
Flight Rockets
Rockets do not provide propulsion in the End dimension. This stops players who already have an Elytra to quickly fly from end city to end city, easily obtaining multiple elytras.
Water placed in the End dimension turns into ice after a short while due to the End being a cold biome.
Mob & Entities
Mob Drops
- Mobs drop more or less experience depending on how long they have been alive.
- Mobs alive for less than 90 seconds drop 25% of the experience they would normally drop if they were spawned naturally, or 50% if they were spawned by a mob spawner.
- Mobs alive for more than 90 seconds drop double the normal experience, and have a chance to drop bottles of experience. The more experience the mob would normally drop, the higher the chance of dropping a bottle of experience.
- Hostile mobs only drop loot when killed by a player.
- Mobs no longer drop any ores and ingots upon death. These include:
- Wither skeletons no longer drop coal.
- Iron golems, zombies and husks no longer drop iron ingots.
- Zombified piglins no longer drop gold ingots.
- Drowned no longer drop copper ingots.
These changes will increase the demand for all ores, which should allow new players to sell their ores more easily on the market.
- All equipment dropped by mobs will be cursed with immutability.
- Some new drops have been added to Hostile Mobs:
- Zombies and husks now occasionally drop tomatoes and onions.
- Zombified piglins now occasionally drop poisonous potatoes.
- Wither skeletons now occasionally drop charcoal.
Sheep & Shears
- Sheep lose their colour when sheared.
- Sheep only drop 1 wool when sheared.
- Shears can have fortune on them, which increases the number of wool dropped by shearing sheep, as well as the number of honeycombs dropped by shearing beehives, by 1 per level of fortune.
These balance changes discourage massive sheep farms with multiple sheep per colour, increase the demand for dye, and introduce a trade-off between manual farming with shears vs. automated farming with dispensers.
- All enchanted books obtained through villagers are bought with lapis lazuli instead of emeralds.
- Any equipment obtained from villagers will be cursed with immutability.
- Armour and tools will now cost their respective materials to purchase from villagers, instead of emeralds.
Item Type Cost Item Quantity Range Iron Tools Iron Nugget 3 through 18 Gold Tools Gold Nugget 3 through 18 Diamond Tools Diamond 1 through 2 Iron Armour Iron Nugget 18 through 64 Gold Armour Gold Nugget 18 through 64 Diamond Armour Diamond 2 through 12 - When obtaining enchanted tools or armour from villagers, the villagers will charge 1-6 lapis lazuli for the item, on top of the material cost.
- Villagers no longer give discounts. This includes curing and the hero of the village status effect.