Provinces & Territories

Ignia, the world Alinea is set in, is divided into two types of regions: Provinces and Territories.

Before moving into a Province, you must first get permission from the local ruler.

Overview of the World

The map below shows a map of Ignia and its surrounding islands. Provinces on the map are labelled, while Territories are not. Not all provinces are shown on the map, as some are located outside of the visible area.

Map of Ignia showing Provinces and Territories

Types of Rulers

Provinces in Ignia are governed by four types of rulers: Barons, Counts, Dukes, and Intendants. Each oversees a different type of province, reflecting its size, complexity, and purpose.

Provincial Tax

Provincial tax is a weekly fee rulers pay to the Crown to keep their province recognised and active. This tax is based solely on the province's area—larger provinces pay more due to their greater potential for development. Importantly, this is not the tax paid by citizens but a responsibility of the ruler, who typically collects taxes from residents to cover the cost.

This system ensures efficient land use by incentivising rulers to maintain active provinces and avoid wasting space on inactive players. Rulers unable to pay their tax are usually replaced by the Crown with someone who can manage the province better. Only as a last resort is the province abolished, with the area reverting to a Territory.

Below is a table showing the weekly provincial tax for each province, determined by its size:

ProvinceRankRulerProvincial Tax
BinjingDuchyDuke Binero of Binjing340 cc / week
Market SquareCrown LandHis Excellency RyanColdson-
PotatoburgBaronyBaron MgcJeremy of Potatoburg171 cc / week
SculkenbourgBaronyBaron Dublelolo_OrNot of Sculkenbourg158 cc / week
SouthsideDuchyDuke __Ghostt__ of the Southside211 cc / week
SpawnCrown LandHis Exellency BlueGamingCat-
UptownBaronyBaron Toasted_Frrogs of Uptown131 cc / week
For a full overview of all rules relating to Provinces and Territories, please refer to the Provincial Rules.

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